Daily Archives: May 30, 2016

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“Participatory monitoring and good governance evaluation” training

“Protection of Rights without Borders” NGO organized “Participatory monitoring and good governance evaluation” training on May 25-26, 2016 in Tsaghkadzor.

The training was conducted by Daniel Bartha expert of International Center for Democratic Transition of Hungary and Petr Witz doctor of cocial sciences, member of Civil Society Development Foundation of Czech Republic,
Civil society representatives from Armenia as well as from Georgia participated in the training.

The participants represented the following non-governmental organizations: Human Rights Center of Georgia NGO, NGO “Mtsodneli”, “Schools Research Centre” – Researcher; NGO “Georgian Bar Association” – Member, Center for civil development and human rights.”, Member of Gori youth council, Article 42 of the Constitution,” NGO Fair trail Gorgia”, NGO Women Centre,
Helsinki Comitete Armenia, Society Without Violence NGO, UNDP Armenia Rull of law NGO, Association of Municipal Lawyers, International Centre of Human Development, “Progress Gyumri Civil Society Center” NGO, “Progress” Youth Center, “Peace Dialogue” NGO, “Rights Information Center” NGO, “Civil Youth Center of Ijevan” NGO, “Democracy and Electoral Processes” International Center” NGO.

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The trainers shared the international best practice of V 4 countries on good governance monitoring. The “Participatory monitoring and good governance evaluation: methodology and tools” manual in Armenian, English and Georgian elaborated by the experts was also presented to the training participants.
The aim of the manual is to provide concise information on the level of governance evaluation in politics, as well as on the advantages and disadvantages of the necessary tools for the monitoring.

The manual will be considered as a basis for capacity building and organization of discussion, due to which the NGO representatives will better understand their roles in good governance processes. The capacity building of NGOs and their representatives will contribute to the implementation of these processes.

During the training, the participants were involved in team works by presenting the strong and weak sides of effective good governance system, which is to understand which indicator should be used for a change. The training was conducted within the «Formulate evidence based protection of interests for rule of law and good governance».

We remind that the training was implemented within “Building evidence-based advocacy for the rule of law and good governance” program in partnership with “Visegrad International Fund”.


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Last events

The exercises and presentations presented by the trainers within the "Participatory monitoring and good governance evaluation" training

The exercises and presentations presented by the trainers within the “Participatory monitoring and good governance evaluation” training.  


Presentations Governance in V4 countries Petr Witz

Presentations good governence 1 Petr Witz

Presentations good governence 2 Petr Witz

Good governance training presentations Daniel Bartha



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